About us

The Mission

Hello – My name is Ryder and I had the same problem as you, there is such an overwhelming amount of graphic tees and hoodies on the market and they are either so cringy that I won’t wear them in public or they are too similar to other offerings. One night I was talking to my best friend John, (John’s a genius graphic designer and artist) and he was like, “Yeah I agree that’s why I don’t get any hoodies from those places.”

Instead, John told me he made his own designs and had them printed so he could wear hoodies with a unique design. So I said, “Hey John why don’t we like try selling these so other people can experience our superior taste in style and not be embarrassed by their $20 Anime hoodie from China.” Suddenly things started falling into place and we began our mission to change the world! OK, not quite the world yet, but we would like to change your wardrobe one hoodie and shirt at a time.


Have a question or concern?  Send us an email at info.initialsense@gmail.com

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